Page 31 - Caorle Journal Giugno 2023
P. 31

Events & News  |  31

                                              A date to remember

                 THURSDAY 8 JUNE                        WEDNESDAY 21 JUNE                      WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE
                 Walking in Caorle              Caorle celebrates Battisti with Mogol           Caorle Sound Fest
        A guided tour to discover the city centre of  In Piazza del Vescovado, at 9 pm, during   Porto Santa Margherita, in Piazzale Darsena at
        Caorle between Rio Terrà, Piazza Vescovado,  the celebration of Festa della Musica, Mogol   9 pm, will host the second edition of the Caorle
        Scogliera Viva and the Sanctuary of Madon-  will sing some songs by Battisti. Mogol will   Sound Fest, an event dedicated to local musi-
        na dell’Angelo. Reservations required, meet-  recreate the incredible atmospheres of the   cal groups. For the occasion, Onde Anomale
        ing at 9.45 am at the IAT, departure at 10 am.  past with the i Bagliori di Luce music band.  will perform the most famous songs of all time.

                  MONDAY 12 JUNE                         THURSDAY 22 JUNE                       THURSDAY 29 JUNE
        Venus Live - Tribute to Pink Floyd      Ballroom dancing with Orchestra Primavera         Caorle Stateatro
        On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the re-  A fun evening dedicated to ballroom dancing  At the Santa Margherita playground in
        lease of the legendary album “The Dark Side Of The   will be held at the Santa Margherita playground  Caorle, at 8.30 pm, the Teatroimmagine the-
        Moon”, Venus, a band famous for its reinterpretations   in Caorle at 8.30 pm. Ballroom dancing is a strong  atre company of Salzano will present “The
        of Pink Floyd, will play it live in its full version. The   tradition in Italy. This event will give you the op-  strange story of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” by
        concert will be held in P. Matteotti, free admission.  portunity to dance while having fun.  Roland Benoit and Roberto Zamengo.

                  TUESDAY 13 JUNE                        23, 24 and 25 JUNE                       FRIDAY 30 JUNE
                    Caorle Dance                Italian Individual Junior Championships           Argentine Tango
        A day dedicated to the world of dance in all   On Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25  An evening dedicated to Argentine tango, one
        its forms, from classical to modern, from hip   June, from 8 am, on the track of the Chiggia-  of the most fascinating dances in the world,
        hop to contemporary jazz, passing through   to Stadium in Caorle, male and female cat-  will be held in Porto Santa Margherita, in cor-
        fantasy with students of all ages from Vene-  egories will compete to win the individual  so Genova-piazzetta Fontana from 9 pm, with
        to and Friuli Venezia Giulia.          Italian title in the various athletics disciplines.  dances and sensual performances by masters
                                                                                       Simone Pradissitto and Ludovica Antonetti.

                   SUNDAY 18 JUNE                         FRIDAY 23 JUNE                         SATURDAY 1 JULY
              2023 Caorle Bike Fest               Concert by the Marching Band                  Surfcasting Fishing
        It is an event to discover the area, a special   Cantina Ca’ Corniani, in Caorle, will host the   Magical evening on Saturday 1 July, at 7 pm, for
        occasion to explore the excellence of the city   concert of the “Marafa Marafon” City Marching   the 11th edition of the Trofeo Città di Caorle for
        by bicycle and the Caorle lagoon by kayak.   Band, one of the oldest musical bands, which   game fishing dedicated to surfcasting. A splen-
        Both a cultural guide and a cycling tour guide   has cheered up tourists and residents with its   did sky and the magical setting of La Brussa
        will be available to ensure the utmost safety.  numerous instruments from time immemorial.  beach at sunset will welcome the participants.

                  SUNDAY 18 JUNE                        SATURDAY 24 JUNE                         SATURDAY 1 JULY
             “Camillo” Social Regatta               Caorle Stateatro – “Super”         Italian Beach Rugby Championship
        Sunday 18 June, at 1 pm, the “Camillo” so-  In Duna Verde, in Piazzale Madoneta at 9  Caorle will be the setting for the Italian Beach
        cial regatta will be held with fascinating  pm, the “Proscenium Teatro” Theater Com-  Rugby Championship. The Caorle Beach Arena
        sailing boats in the sea in front of Caorle.  pany of Azzano Decimo in Pordenone will  will host 20 sports clubs from all over Italy on 1
        The event is organized by the Società Vel-  present “Super”, a comedy directed by Rob-  July at 11 am. The clubs will compete in one of
        ica Caorle a.s.d.                      erto Ciufoli. Fun is guaranteed.        the most beautiful seaside resorts in the country.

                  SUNDAY 18 JUNE                         TUESDAY 27 JUNE                          SUNDAY 2 JULY
                  Vintage car show                         Jazz Concert                           Children’s evening
        The parade of prestigious vintage cars will come  In the beautiful Piazza del Vescovado, at 9  An evening entirely dedicated to children in Por-
        back along the streets of Caorle on Sunday 18  pm, the concert of the Stanford University  to Santa Margherita in Corso Genova. I Cavalieri
        June at 1 pm. The event, during which you will  Jazz Orchestra will be held. This ensem-  della Tavola Gioconda will entertain children of
        be able to admire various high-class cars, is or-  ble of students is conducted by Frederick  all ages with many games based on skills and
        ganized by Club Passione Motori of Portogruaro.  Berry, conductor, professor and trumpeter.  ingenuity. The event will start at 9.00 pm.

                             The Publisher declines all responsibility and liability in the event of variations and/or changes to the programme of events.
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