Page 31 - Caorle Journal Luglio 2023
P. 31

Events & News  |  31

                                              A date to remember

                  TUESDAY 11 JULY                         SUNDAY 16 JULY                        THURSDAY 27 JULY
          Readings and workshop for children            Entertainment bubbles                     Ballroom dance
        In Duna Verde, Corso Rovignano at 9  At 8.30 p.m., at Porto Santa Margherita in   The Annalisa Group trio will perform this evening
        p.m. Susi Danesin presents the chil-   Corso Genova, there will be a bubble show   at 8.30 pm at the Santa Margherita playground in
        dren’s book ‘Dlin, Dlon, Ops, Vrum! Susi  entirely dedicated to children. A fun and   Caorle. The evening promises to be sizzling with
        Danesin is a professional actress spe-  colourful soap bubble show that will be   music from the 60s, 70s and 80s, with ballroom
        cialising in children’s theatre.       repeated on Sunday 6 August.            dancing and Latin American music.

                 THURSDAY 13 JULY                         TUESDAY 18 JULY                         FRIDAY 28 JULY
         Show ‘On Happiness to the bitter end        Concert by the City Band                   Evening for childrens
        At 9 p.m. at the Brussa Castle Municipal Dele-  In Piazza Matteotti, at 8.45 p.m., there  In Corso Genova, in Porto Santa Margherita, there
        gation there will be the performance “On Hap-  will be a performance by the town  will be an evening entirely dedicated to children
        piness to the End” Readings with Carlo Corsini   band  Mara  Marafon,  whose  vibrant  with many games of skill and ingenuity for all
        and music by Paolo Perin. The event is part of   notes fill the streets and squares with  ages. Entertaining the small public, from 9.00
        the itinerant Festival Parole e Musica di Caorle.  cheerful and engaging melodies.  pm, will be The Knights of the Mona Lisa Table.

                 THURSDAY 13 JULY                        THURSDAY 20 JULY                         FRIDAY 28 JULY
                   Ballroom dance                  Rhythmic gymnastics performance            Carlo & Giorgio Show
        At the Santa Margherita playground, at 8.30   Tonight, at 9.30 pm in Piazza Matteot-  The brilliant comedy duo Carlo and Giorgio
        p.m., lots of good music, ballroom danc-  ti, the talented Novagym Camp athletes  is at the Azienda Agricola Ca’ Corniani to-
        ing and fun guaranteed with the Stefania   will perform exercises and evolutions of  night, at 9 pm, with the show ‘Senza Skei’.
        Marchesi and Mammamia orchestra. A dance   this difficult discipline. The other dates  The new show brings to the stage the vices
        evening not to be missed for the whole family.  to admire them are 27 July and 3 August.  and virtues of the world we live in.

                  SATURDAY 15 JULY                       THURSDAY 20 JULY                       SATURDAY 29 JULY
                       Sailing                             Ballroom dance                         Prosecco’s Cup
        The ‘Long Distance’ sailing race for din-  At 8.30 p.m. at the Santa Margherita playground,   In the sea off Caorle, at 11 a.m., the Prosecco’s
        ghies and catamarans will be held in the   the Fabio Corazza orchestra will entertain the pub-  Cup will be held, the regatta for dinghies or-
        sea off the coast of Caorle, 9 a.m. This is   lic with great music. The band from Pordenone will   ganised by the Circolo Nautico Santa Margh-
        the stage of the Italian Long Distance Cir-  range from classical pieces to current greats, as well as   erita, which has been the highlight of summer
        cuit, a real spectacle for sailing boat lovers.  previously unreleased pieces. The show is guaranteed.  on the Levante beach for over twenty years.

                 SATURDAY 15 JULY                         SUNDAY 23 JULY                        SATURDAY 29 JULY
             Beach Tennis Tournament                    Alice in Wonderland                  7th Burraco Tournament
        On Saturday 15 July from 9.30 a.m., the  In Piazzale Darsena in Porto Santa Margherita, at 9  In Porto Santa Margherita, in Corso Genova,
        Ponente beach will host a Beach Tennis  p.m., there is a theatre show for children and adults  at 9 p.m., the 7th Burraco Tournament will
        tournament dedicated to enthusiasts and  entitled ‘Alice in Wonderland’. The evening is for  be held, the famous card game dating back
        amateurs. The event is open to all and will  charity in collaboration with AIL (Italian Association  to the 1940s as a variant of Canasta. The
        take place on three courts of fine sand.  against Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma).  proceeds of the evening will go to charity.

                 SATURDAY 15 JULY                        TUESDAY 25 JULY                         SUNDAY 30 JULY
              Argentine Tango Evening                      Noche Latina                           Caramel Concert
        Two evenings of Argentine tango with performanc-  In Duna Verde, in Corso Rovigno at 9 p.m., there  An evening of music at Porto Santa Margherita
        es by the masters Simone Pradissitto and Costan-  will be dancing with Noche Latina, an evening  at 9 p.m. with Caramel, the orchestra found-
        za Gruber. The appointment is at 9 p.m. in Corso  of Caribbean and Latin American music. You  ed forty years ago with an enviable repertoire
        Genova in Porto Santa Margherita and in Piazzetta  can dance to the rhythm of salsa, bachata, reg-  ranging from traditional dances to group danc-
        Fontana in Caorle, for two hours of dancing.  gaeton in step with the hot rhythms of summer.  es and dance music from the 70s, 80s and 90s.

                             The Publisher declines all responsibility and liability in the event of variations and/or changes to the programme of events.
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