Page 31 - Caorle Journal Agosto 2023
P. 31

Events & News  |  31

                                              A date to remember

                 MONDAY 7 AUGUST                       THURSDAY 17 AUGUST                     WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST
             Health and Rescue Day                         Astrology night               Readings and workshop for children
        An evening dedicated to health and first aid will be  An evening of astrology, a fascinating meet-  In Corso Genova in Porto Santa Margherita from
        held on Monday 7 August, from 8.15 pm, in via Ma-  ing about the planets and the Zodiac will take   9 pm, La Giraffa con gli Occhiali will perform the
        donna dell’Angelo and piazza Vescovado, with the  place in Corso Genova in Porto Santa Margh-  narration of picture books with musical accom-
        aim of making people aware of the importance  erita from 9 pm. An event to discover the se-  paniment. The group is made up of Giulio Freschi
        of intervention in case of emergency situations.  crets of the cosmos and its influences on life.  (narrator) and Giovanni Grisan (guitar and voice).

                 MONDAY 7 AUGUST                        THURSDAY 17 AUGUST                   SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER
                   Children’s evening                      Giulia in Duo                       Sport fishing tournament
        In Corso Genova, in Porto Santa Margherita,   In Corso Rovigno, in Duna Verde from 9  At the Brussa beach, from 7 pm, there
        a magical evening will await children of all   pm, a concert with the splendid music of  will be the Sport Fishing Tournament,
        ages who will find many games of skill and   Giulia in Duo. An evening of live music with  an event for fishing and nature lovers,
        ingenuity. I Cavalieri della Tavola Gioconda   an overwhelming rhythm that will envelop  an opportunity to connect with other
        will entertain the audience from 09.00 pm.  you in a magical and engaging atmosphere.  enthusiasts ready to cast the hook.

                 FRIDAY 11 AUGUST                      THURSDAY 17 AUGUST                     SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER
                 Aglio Olio e Swing                       Piterpan 90210                       Madonnina Regatta
        The golden age of Italian music will come   Porto Santa Margherita, piazzale Darsena at 9 pm:  Are you ready for the last regatta of the
        back to life in Corso Rovigno, in Duna   an evening of celebration and unforgettable mu-  year? The event will start at 10 am in the
        Verde from 9 pm, with Aglio, Olio & Swing   sic will await you with Radio Piterpan. On stage,  sea water in front of Caorle. A unique event
        and their repertoire of classic pieces of   the DJs with their vibrating and engaging energy  where tradition combines with sporting
        Italian music from the 20s to the 50s.  will make you live a unique musical experience.  competition for an unforgettable day.

                SATURDAY 12 AUGUST                       FRIDAY 18 AUGUST              SATURDAY 23 AND SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER
        Ballroom dancing with Patricia Band           Orchestra Fabio Corazza          25th Historical Car and Bike Show
        At the Santa Margherita playground, from   At the Santa Margherita Playground, at 8.30   An exciting weekend at the Palaexpomar
        8.30 pm, an evening with ballroom dancing   pm, an evening with ballroom dancing and   dedicated to the lovers of historical cars
        with the Patricia Band orchestra. On stage,   the enthralling rhythms of Orchestra Fabio   and bikes where you can admire both the
        the musicians will entertain the audience with   Corazza. Captivating melodies to spend   exhibition as well as buy and sell spare
        amazing melodies to accompany the dances.  some pleasant time with the whole family.  parts. The event will start at 9 am.

                 SUNDAY 13 AUGUST                       TUESDAY 22 AUGUST                     SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER
               Gruppo Ballo Rizzetto                       Onde Anomale                      Vespa gathering in Caorle
        Good music is back in Corso Genova in Porto  An evening not to be missed at the Santa Mar-  A special event dedicated to Vespa enthusi-
        Santa Margherita with Gruppo Ballo Rizzet-  gherita Playground: from 8.30 pm, the Onde  asts and the beauty of Caorle. The itinerant
        to. Tourists and residents urged by the desire  Anomale group will perform the most beautiful  gathering will start at 8.30 am with infinite
        to dance in the moonlight will experience a  songs of the 70s, 80s and 90s, rearranged in an  colourful Vespas that will enliven the streets
        beautiful evening. The event will start at 9 pm..  acoustic rock version for a big collective party.  of the city with the roar of their engines.

                 SUNDAY 13 AUGUST                      THURSDAY 24 AUGUST                     SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER
           Ballroom dancing with Oropuro           Rhythmic gymnastics performance      International City of Caorle Award
        Endless music, dances and emotions. The  This is a unique opportunity to appreciate  The Palazzetto dello Sport will host the Interna-
        event will start at 8.30 pm at the Santa Mar-  the talent of the Novagym Camp athletes  tional City of Caorle Award at 9 pm. The dance
        gherita Playground with the Oropuro, the  who will perform their routines with their  competition will involve numerous schools to
        dynamic musical duo who will win over and  unique elegance and agility. The event will  create an unforgettable evening dedicated to
        entertain the public with passion and skill.  be held in Piazza Matteotti at 09.30 pm.  dance and the talent of young dancers.

                             The Publisher declines all responsibility and liability in the event of variations and/or changes to the programme of events.
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